Myth: Remembrance & Initiation of the Soul

"Acorn in hand, brother traveled yet again through the unknown territory.

He noticed subtle movements through the forest. Life returning. Trees opening the way for him to travel. Streams lapping the shores of his lips as he drank.

He traveled great distances, growing more into his upright posture everyday. The eyelid of the underworld opened and closed, day and night, day and night. Over and over again. It could have been days or years… Time doesn’t always go in a straight line. "

- Darren Silver



An essential part of living into different lifeworlds resides in the mythic realm – the currents of poetry, mysticism and story that stream in the archetypal world below the world. Today I bring you a myth, from Darren Silver, rite of passage and vision quest guide; it is a myth that has laid dormant for many years and is finally here to be told.  

On the surface it’s a story of twins, of a brother and a sister, and of their initiation. There is magical surrealism here, and mythic beings, ancient and enduring laws of reciprocity, of the ways of the forest, of how to barter in ancient exchanges of the soul. There are riddles and agreements and creatures that speak and weave wisdom through grit and pain and love. 

The enduring message that this myth leaves me with is that initiation does not come bundled in cozy sound baths and sipping cacao on a beach — initiation is painful and tears us to our bones, and yet it is a sublime liberation, because through initiation, we manifest our gifts into the world. And as Darren says, for our gift to manifest, we have to wager our own skin. 

So sit back and listen to this one closely. Be present, receptive, and dignify the messages that are coming through as medicine for you, because something will strike you close. Allow yourself to be carried away by the myth. And so we begin.


Song: Mushroom Dance


Poetry : A Sunset with Mary Oliver