Meditation: The Cosmos in Your Food 

"By eating, we are inviting the Earth to become a part of us. What could be more intimate than that? Feel, through this gift, how you are being nourished and cared for by the whole planet…"



A guided meditation to bring you into a state of communion and intimacy with the Earth through the daily, sacred act of eating. 

Many ancient traditions have their ways of giving thanks to our connection with food and the planet’s bounteous harvest. Here, I have been inspired by the Zen Buddhist lineage of Plum Village, and the tenderness and beauty of bringing in all of life through every bite.

I recommend you do it as you are about to enjoy a special meal…

(Audio: New Earth - Beautiful Koshi Wind Chimes Healing Spring Meditation 432hz; Image:


Meditation: Deep Time


Sound Journey | Music of the Waters