[Full Length] Multi-species Entanglements, or, How we Become Rapt in Other Lives — with BeeWisdom
“Many people are very sensitive to bee touch. The bee recalls our thirst for touch and sensuality.”
- Sandira Belia and Annelieke van der Sluijs, BeeWisdom
How do bees bridge people with nature? What is it like to be seduced by the sounds and smells of the hive? To be touched by a bee?
In this conversation with two master beekeepers, we delve into the beauty of working with bees and the broken belief systems and malpractices of the beekeeping industry (spoiler: this involves things like sugar feeding, ‘honey production pressure’, prevention of the swarm, and much more…). They also illuminate why we should rephrase the saying of ‘save the bees’ to a much wider and generative narrative of co-creation.
Sandira Belia and Annelieke van der Sluijs are the co-founders of Bee Wisdom, a platform where beekeepers and bee-lovers can learn how to work synergistically with bees, design new forms for natural hives, engage in ethical practices, and join bee grids. They impart a magic and mystery around the inner lives of bees that is a delight to listen to!
Sandira Belia was born in France, from a mother bee-keeper, bathing in the bee world from an early age. Since 2012, she has been exploring the interactions between the spiritual and the practical approaches of bee-keeping. She has learned to communicate with the Deva of the bees, with nature spirits and other presences. Sandra now lives in central Portugal, close to the ocean, and dedicates her life to bridging humans and nature. The bees are her muse, inspiration, and allies in this work. Her book Bee Wisdom: Teachings from the Hive is now available in English.
Annelieke van der Sluijs lives in Portugal and takes care of the bees in the Alentejo BeeGrid, where she plants and sows forest habitat, and thrives as a “weaver” in the BeeWisdom network, endlessly inspired by the artful communion of bees as a colony and with the landscape. Her first BeeShip with Sandira, in 2017, naturally evolved into a collaboration and a living together with the bees.
Many people are very sensitive to bee touch. The bee recalls our thirst for touch and sensuality.
There is a belief system to change about bees that they are constantly busy and making honey. The honey is only a small part of the work of bees on earth.
The task is to spend time with the hive and follow your curiosity. I give myself time to be with those wonders, and to follow the little golden threads that go out of the hive. When I do so, I learn many things.
There such a magic in swarming, the days before are full of joy, you can feel the energy in the hive, they get prepared, even the queen is put on diet so she can be more able to fly!